Indiana Legislation
Select the year on the left to view past Bill efforts to modernize Indiana’s HIV criminal laws, some of which passed and were signed into law.
Select the year on the left to view past Bill efforts to modernize Indiana’s HIV criminal laws, some of which passed and were signed into law.

Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code: Summer Committee examined Indiana criminal code laws concerning HIV and unanimously recommended reform. Click here for the Final Committee Report and below for supporting exhibits.
>HB1355 Bill Text
>HB1355 FAQ & Ammendment to SB419
Clickable Position Statements
>Jeanne White-Ginder (Mother of Ryan White) Statement
>IN Red Cross
>IN Disability Rights
>IN State Medical Association
>IN Interim Study Committee HIV Criminal Law Reform
>Fact Sheet for Law Enforcement: Spit Does Not Transmit
>CDC HIV Criminalization and Ending the HIV Epidemic
Indiana Criminal Law Enforcement Research
>2024 HIV Criminalization in Indiana: Evaluation of Transmission Risk
>2024 Enforcement of HIV Criminalization in Indiana: Donation Laws
HB1198 Bill Text & Read the FAQ and
Position Statements
Click here for the Indiana Red Cross
Click here for Indiana Disability Rights
Click here for the Indiana State Medical Association
Watch here: Indiana Interim Study Committee on HIV Criminal Law Reform Recommends Modernization.
HB1032-2022 removes 1980s/90s era sentencing enhancements and criminal offenses related to HIV that were based on stigma and misinformation about people who are HIV positive.
**HB1032 Advocacy Fact Sheet
HB1158 modernizes sections of the Public Health Code linked to Indiana’s outdated HIV criminal laws.
HEA1340-2021 eliminating stigmatizing language in the criminal code based on HIV status.

HEA1182-2020 eliminated stigmatizing and outdated HIV science language in the public health code and made HIV-related science updates. It also modernized the public health Duty to Inform law by limiting prosecution to situations in which a person living with HIV or HBV failed to inform a sexual or needle sharing partner of their health status prior to engaging in behavior that is considered a high-risk activity; such is now defined as any behavior that according to the CDC has a significant risk of transmitting HIV/HBV.
HB1325-2019 Aimed to eliminate stigmatizing language, make HIV-related science updates, repeal and modernize two outdated HIV criminal codes (Did not pass
IC= Indiana Code; IC-16 refers to Health Code IC-35 refers to Criminal Code
Guiding Principles for Modernizing Indiana’s HIV Criminal Laws
A model law must include:
- Must reflect modern HIV science
- Criminal intent to transmit & conduct likely to transmit HIV.
- Punishment proportionate to the actual harm.
- Remove stigmatizing language in the law.