Our Services
HIV Modernization Movement was founded in 2016 in Indiana, to actively promote public interest and awareness (by means of public advocacy) on current issues in the field of HIV.
We offer the following public outreach services:
- Event Presentations
- Advocacy Training
- Media Engagements
- Speaking with Elected Officials
- Promoting community awareness and support for issues surrounding HIV
To request HIV Modernization Movement to speak at your upcoming event

Past advocate programs and community events included Speaker Topics such as:
- Research, discussion, and data analysis of HIV laws
- Ending the HIV epidemic
- How to be an advocate for HIV related issues
- Structural health barriers impacting HIV testing, prevention, and care
- Studies on how laws impact the biomedical treatment and prevention of HIV
- Common community questions such as: “Can an HIV positive person be an organ donor?”
Have a topic you’d like covered? Click Here to Contact Us
Outreach Service Initiatives – Some 2022 Highlights
IU National HIV Conference (June 2022)
– HIV Modernization Movement (with the UCLA Williams Law Institute) – Research presentation: HIV Criminalization in Indiana Law Enforcement Research: Preliminary Analyses.
– HIV Modernization Movement (with the SERO Project) – Workshop presentation: HIV Criminalization and Ending the U.S. HIV Epidemic
HIV Long Term Survivors Day (June 2022)
– HIV Modernization Movement engaged in community outreach to celebrate HIV survivors. The event focused on the needs, issues and journeys of long term survivors, as well as gathering of signatures to organize community support for changes in HIV legislation.
Advocate Trainee Workshops (Spring 2022)
– HIV Modernization Movement provided 6 full days of advocacy training for people living with HIV. Topics included: Indiana HIV criminalization laws, modern law reform, intersections (drug use, sex work, race) and the legislative process (talking to legislators; telling your story).
Advocacy Services – Working for Change
First Ever – HIV Advocacy Lobby Day (Making History)
HIV Advocacy Lobby Day – April 2017
- Within one year, HIV Modernization Movement participated in the first ever HIV Advocacy Day held at the Indiana Statehouse with presentations to brief legislators.
- Attendees received an update on the science of treatment and prevention of HIV, needle exchange programs, and HIV criminal laws.